Accountable A short created by young filmmakers Aaron Woodall and Nicholas Dobson tells the tale of a mob boss who's employee has failed him. Features a tour-de-force performace by local actor and director Micheal McMullin.
Borbor Bele Music Videos
The Coward The final Nicholas Dobson / Aaron Woodall film protrays a teen preparing to fight the most notorious bully in school.
Imitation of Life
See Me
Seven Minutes
Ten Places
Urban/Rural Landscapes Explored in Video and Film Assortment of mind absorbing experimental shorts compiled by Chris Lynn:
Boulder/Brooklyn (Nicole Koschmann) A correspondence through images from Brooklyn, NY to Boulder, Colorado.
Flow (Scott NYERGES) A meditation on the creeks and rivers of Austin, Texas during the spring and summer rendered in paint and pixels.
The Lights and Perfections (Paul Clipson) A bug's eye view of the world, mysterious and wonderful-plant studies and urban landscapes woven into soft focus home movies.
Clouds and the Docklands (Chris Lynn) Vignette 4 in the London series is an examination of the of the Docklands in London juxtaposed with rain and clouds.
Tidemills (Nick Collins) The poetry of the UK seacoast on any given day.
ROCK/HARD Place (Roger Beebe) A film that attempts to bring the Urban and rural landscape together in one frame, so the viewer can question the significance.Shot in Morro Bay, California
The Taste of the South (Mar Solis) Shot in Spain this is a vivid portrait of Easter week.
Translumination (Craig Herndon) An abstract journey in sound and colour.