GAVA/GATE Animation Class 15th Anniversary! - Shorts by Kids! Producer: George Kochell | USA, 60 min.
Animation Instructor George Kochell will present this film-a-minute showcase of past and present work by more than 50 students from a unique community-service class co-sponsored by Greenbelt Access Television (GATE) and the Greenbelt Association for the Visual Arts (GAVA).
(Including 19 World Premiere shorts by 7 Directors)
A Tooth Tale Director/Producer/Writer: Ron Fleischer | USA, 6:30
This traditionally animated short tells the story of Tommy Malloy, a 6-year old boy who loses his first tooth. When he learns that the Tooth Fairy will give him money for it he hatches a plot to trap and shake her down for all her loot. The rhyming dialog and art direction pay homage to the cartoons of the 1950's and 1960's.
Dessert Contest Director: Mary Aupperle | USA, 30 sec.
A timid marshmallow, a shy chocolate, and two plain little wafers enter the big dessert contest. When they see the much fancier (and snobby!) confections that are also in the contest, they each decide to just give up and go home. The four little desserts collide at the exit and suddenly they're a s'more! Now they'll win the contest for sure!
Little House of the Big Cry Director/Producer: Alfred Hernandez, actors Alexis Rodriguez, Alex Rodriguez | USA, 6 min.
Two young people find a tiny house in their backyard in which lives a little old man who seems to be very sad. They try different things to cheer him up but no matter what they do he seems to remain sad. With whimsical music by John Steiner that moves with the images through the changing seasons and emotion, the video tells this allegorical story through the use of low and high tech effects and miniatures.
The Models of Bekonscot Director: Sophie Le Neveu | UK, 4 min.
A retro style documentary about an unusual English village dating back to the 1930's. This town has country manors, schools and an airfield. But as this film reveals, it is far from ordinary.