George “Mr Geo” Kochell’S animation class films A collection of works by student animators in George Kochell’s Greenbelt Association for the Visual Arts (GAVA) classes, created in the Greenbelt Access Television studio.
(program starts 10am Sunday, Oct. 25, Greenbelt Arts Center)
Ma Munggu Directors: Ji-won Oh, Leah wee, Da-hae Oh, U-rum Choi (South Korea, 7 min.)
A puppy has an experience at the market that gives him a new perspective on his place in the world, and his relationship with his owner.
(program starts 10am Sunday, Oct. 25, Greenbelt Arts Center)
No Hug Zone Director: Jacqueline Olivo (USA, 8 min.)
In this sci-fi short, scientists have concluded that a mysterious disease can be transmitted through any physical contact.
(program starts 10am Sunday, Oct. 25, Greenbelt Arts Center)
Tortoise Director: Emily Pan (USA, 1 min.)
A lonely tortoise searches for love.
(program starts 10am Sunday, Oct. 25, Greenbelt Arts Center)
The Blue Gecko Director: Rebecca Celsi (USA, 2 min.)
A colorful mixed-media adventure through the fantastical treetops of the rainforest.
(program starts 10am Sunday, Oct. 25, Greenbelt Arts Center)
The Summer Dragons Director: Rebecca Celsi (USA, 4 min.)
A young girl discovers a secret world hiding in her garden.
(program starts 10am Sunday, Oct. 25, Greenbelt Arts Center)
The Worm Director: Alex Rafael Rose (UK, 5 min.)
A boy’s doodle comes to life and wreaks havoc.
(program starts 10am Sunday, Oct. 25, Greenbelt Arts Center)
Ultra Angel Director: Alan Haley (USA, 5 min.)
The adventures of a female superhero.
(program starts 12pm Saturday, Oct. 24, Greenbelt Arts Center)
When I Grow Up Director: Jamie Weiss (USA, 4 min.)
A third-grader daydreams about his career path and comes to an important decision.
(program starts 10am Sunday, Oct. 25, Greenbelt Arts Center)
When I Grow Up Director: Zack Hosseini (USA, 2 min.)
Faced with an unclear vision of his future, a young man must dive deep into his soul to figure out how to spend the rest of his life.
(program starts 10am Sunday, Oct. 25, Greenbelt Arts Center)
Where I Left Director: Tristan Surman (Canada, 7 min.)
A young person struggles to say goodbye ahead of a big move.